Vegetable– tax –
FOOD Saitama
Circulation organic farming “Farming, Yoshinori Kaneko”
FOOD Chiba
Having more confidence in Japanese food “Ecofarm Asano”
FOOD Chiba
Vegetables growing in soil with bacteria “Tagayasu Club”
FOOD Chiba
The great taste of Yachimata peanuts “Fukuya Shoten”
FOOD Yamanashi
Corn that can be eaten raw “Pure White”
Agriculture Shizuoka
Organic farm and restaurant at the foot of Mt. Fuji “Bio Farm Matsuki”
FOOD Shizuoka
Rich wasabi taste “Sugiyama farm, Masahiro Sugiyama”
FOOD Shizuoka
Wasabi restricted to Shizuoka “Wasabi producer, Masataka Asada”
FOOD Gunma
“Mille-feuille” harvested by young farmers. “Tommy Farm”
FOOD Gunma
Sweet and tasty Shimonita Negi ”Kyoichi Yoshida”
FOOD Nagano
Delivering Safe Vegetables From Hand to Hand, “Yui Shizen Farm”
FOOD Aichi
Environment and people friendly farm “Holistic Farm”