Kagawa– tax –
Kotohiragu, the place that people have longed for since Edo Period
Restaurant Kagawa
Yamauchi Udon – the handmade udon with an edge
FOOD Kagawa
Yamaroku Soy Sauce – handmade soy sauce aged in barrels
SAKE & Kagawa
Morikuni Shuzo, sake brewery carrying the hopes of the island
Restaurant Kagawa
Yamagoe Udon, the noodle shop with the long line of fans
FOOD Kagawa
“Kiwi Bird” 1.5 times larger and sweeter, and a taste to remember
STAY Kagawa
Auberge de Oishi (translator’s note: the website of the auberge says Oishi, not Ooishi), serving nouvelle cuisine of Yashima
“The Art House Project” Art based on empty houses
FOOD Kagawa
“Mitani Seito” Passing on the traditions of Japanese sugar making
CRAFT Kagawa
Hayato Otani, inheritor of “Kagawa lacquerware,” the seed sown by the first feudal lord.
Processed Foods Kagawa
“Hinode Seimenjo” Udon restaurant only open for an hour?
STAY Kagawa
“Benesse House” Spending time surrounded by art