”Hotel The Earth” where you can watch a storm


Human and nature living together

There are many iconic words to describe a hotel but this is probably the only place in Japan where the description for ”hotel where you can watch a storm” is used.
Watching a storm, doesn’t mean this place is famous for the storm.
The concept of this hotel is for the human and nature to live together while respect nature. It is to learn from the fishermen and the free diver women from Toba who has been experiencing this from long time ago. And the hotel was made with the thought of continuing this idea to the next generation and to feel the ”earth” as it is.

A place surrounded by ocean and virgin forest

You will think how bold it is to name ”The Earth”. But the phrase is really suited here. Out of the hotel’s entire 178,000 square meter land, the area that was developed for building the facility is only 5%. The rest of the 95% is remained as untouched virgin forest which includes ”Ongi Beach” which is called the last holy land for the freediving women. You cannot help but feel the earth in the open space with the virgin forest and the ocean, many islands floating in the ocean small and large and the horizon into the ocean that you can see from your room.
Many people will wish that it will be sunny when they visit, but earth has sunny days, cloudy days and stormy days. We wish you will enjoy even when it is stormy.


The Earth
Tatsunosumika, Nakanoyama Ijika-cho, Toba, Mie Prefecture
URL https://www.the-earth.in/en/index.html
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