Starting from seeds
Masatoshi Iwasaki, who has been involved in organic farming through in-house seeding, arrived at the method of using self-grown seeds while searching for seeds suitable for organic agriculture. In-house seeding involves taking seeds from self-grown plants. Among the cultivated crops, the healthy ones are chosen for seeds, and the seeds are then used for the next crop. That sounds quite ordinary, but actually, most farmers buy seeds or seedlings from nurseries to grow their crops, and it is unusual for farmers to grow their own seeds. Iwasaki continues his efforts in his fields at the foot of Mount Hachimaki, improving the soil with organic fertilizer, producing vegetables with minimal fertilizers, ”non-tillage farming” (growing crops without plowing the fields and leaving the fields as natural as possible), and ”in-house seeding”. Through these methods, he makes excellent vegetables, full of life.