通常記事– category –
CRAFT Miyagi
Lacquerware in daily life “Naruko Lacquerware – Tsuneo Goto”
SAKE & Miyagi
Continuing to evolve in appreciation for the support – “Suminoe Shuzo”
FOOD Miyagi
“Mou Ikko” strawberries that will make you want “one more piece” – “JA Miyagi Watari , strawberry farmer Seiichi Ono”
FOOD Miyagi
Beautiful “miso” is delicious “miso” – “Sendai Miso Konno Jyouzou”
CRAFT Miyagi
A receptacle in the image of nature as it flows in the night sky “Ceramic Artist Jun Iwai”
FOOD Miyagi
Organic farming specialist “Rice Farmer Minoru Ishii”
CRAFT Miyagi
Works of glass where colors fly about “Glass Craft Artist Hisao Nabeta”
FOOD Miyagi
Sweet and largely curved green onions “Curved Green Onion Farmer, Toshiro Sato”
CRAFT Miyagi
Furniture for people “Wood Craft Artist Hideki Saito”
CRAFT Miyagi
Magnificent and eye-catching “Sendai Tansu Blacksmith Eikichi Yaegashi”
CRAFT Miyagi
Encounter beautiful glass pieces “Kyohei Fujita Museum of Glass”
Art-museums Miyagi
Encounter the gentle yet strong designs – “Tohoku Fukushi University Serizawa Keisuke Art and Craft Museum”