brand-name bean sprouts that distinguish themselves from other bean sprouts
Just eat one and you will know the difference. The bean sprouts produced by Masatoshi Iizuka of Iizuka Shoten, a “bean sprout shop in Fukaya” in Fukaya City, Saitama Prefecture, have a strong flavor, are slightly sweet, and have a vegetable-like aroma but no distinctive bad taste. As one would expect from a brand of bean sprouts that are sold in famous department stores in Tokyo, the bean sprouts are 10 times more flavorful than ordinary bean sprouts. It is said that the bean sprouts sell like hotcakes, even though they are 10 times more expensive than ordinary bean sprouts.

Price honor sprouts
Sprouts are called the “honor student of prices” because no matter how much prices rise, the price of sprouts does not go up. But from my point of view, the opposite is true. Even if prices rise, it is a poor student that cannot raise its price.
There is no such thing as a “bean sprout. The term “bean sprouts” refers to sprouted plants grown hydroponically without soil in a dark room where sunlight does not reach, and there are various types, such as mung bean, soy bean, and black bean, depending on the type of seed used. Because sprouts consume nutrients through photosynthesis when exposed to light, they are grown in shaded conditions to avoid losing as much nutrition as possible, but they are popular because they are cheap and nutritious. However, most of the bean sprouts sold in supermarkets today are “industrial products” that are automatically produced in computer-controlled factories. The price is about 15 to 20 yen per 100 g. “Only the big companies can make do at this price. Small and medium-sized suppliers are going out of business. In such a situation, Mr. Iizuka is working hard to produce bean sprouts the old-fashioned way, conveying the original taste of bean sprouts and maintaining high added value.

Iizuka Shoten, where everything is done by hand
Iizuka Shoten’s “field” is inside a building the size of a gymnasium. The temperature, humidity, and light are carefully controlled in the room, where large tank-like containers are lined up and the bean sprouts are grown. First, the beans are soaked in hot water of 30 to 40 degrees Celsius, and wait for about six hours.
Touch the beans. They are warm, aren’t they? That’s because heat is generated when they germinate. Beans are living creatures, don’t you think? So if you grow them carefully, they will become delicious. We use clean groundwater to grow healthy bean sprouts for six days. It is also important to control the temperature to just the right level, which is a task that requires careful attention.
In addition to the time-consuming watering and temperature control, Mr. Iizuka also hand-picks, washes, and bags the bean sprouts to minimize damage. During periods of heavy shipments, the bagging process is sometimes completed late at night, but the next day he may be out early in the morning to make deliveries. Mr. Iizuka’s passion for “Fukaya Moyashi” is boundless.
Iizuka Shoten uses black beans from Myanmar
Most bean sprouts are made from mung beans produced in China. Iizuka Shoten, however, uses black mappe beans from Myanmar. Compared to mung beans, black mappe is thinner and longer, but has a stronger flavor. They are also suitable for all kinds of dishes such as nabe (hot pot), stir-fry, and miso soup. Surprisingly, Mr. Iizuka’s bean sprouts have roots of equal length, from which he says he can extract a good broth. The price is 10 times that of ordinary bean sprouts, but it costs only about 200 yen. You should buy them as soon as you see them, because you will be surprised at the taste. You will discover that bean sprouts are a delicacy that should not be underestimated.