Sake Loved by the Locals
”HAKUREI BREWING CO., LTD.” has been a community-based brewery in the Tango district since 1832, for over 180 years. Their leading brand ”Hakurei” derives its name from how the peak of Yuragatake becomes capped with snow in the winter. ”Hakurei” matches well with dining and there is also their sharp Kyoto local sake, ”Sakenomi Doji”. Hakurei Brewing has fans all around the country, but they have always taken into account their presence as a member of the community, a brewery loved by the locals.

To Aim for Progress
Sake breweries were all originally community-based. In times when glass bottles did not exist, people just walked in the brewery with their own ”sake” containers and purchased the ”sake”. Customers came from not afar. Also the ”sake” breweries were known to donate for school construction, etc. contributing to the community. It was most likely an act of gratitude towards the local community. As transportation networks developed it enabled distribution throughout the nation. Hakurei Shuzo aims for the hand-in-hand development with their contracting ”sake” rice farmers as well as offering good ”sake” to households across the country. Good ”sake” can thrive because of support from the community. Good ”sake” from breweries with this kind of a mindset produce good sake, perhaps because it reflects in their sake.