Creating Prestigious ”Sake” Named Kachikoma

Founded in 1906, this brewery has a history longer than a century. The looks of the good old ”kura”(warehouse) is profound and grand, and has been designated as tangible cultural asset. Much of Toyama sake is light and dry with a smooth aftertaste that you would not get tired of. Kiyoto Brewery’s ”Kachikoma” is likewise, with a light refreshing taste with the umami of rice embodied inside. Exactly what Toyama ”sake” is famous for. It is free of strong character and match any type of dishes and is not fussy. It can be consumed every day and yet you would not get tired with the taste.
Sake loved by the locals

The key to this ”sake” is that ”it can be consumed every day.” In fact Toyama is a city famous for local brewed sake and ranks number five as prefecture that consumes most local brewed sake. This refers to how much local people consumes the sake brewed in that locality. In other words how much the people love their locally-made sake. Besides, the sake of Toyama perfectly matches Toyama food. Toyama sake should be taken with Toyama dishes made from local-made products. This certainly is the utmost luxury of drinking local sake.