Corn that can be eaten raw “Pure White”


Raw corn as sweet as fruits.

With a crunch, Amamiya picked a cob of corn, and handed it to Nakata. ”Please have some.” When he peeled the skin, there appeared pure white corn.
”You mean, as it is, uncooked?” asked Nakata, and Amamiya replied, ”Yes, as it is. Raw.” Nakata took a big bite. ”Ah, it’s so soft. Just like fruits…!” He was surprised by the sweetness as well as the texture.

A common way of eating corn is either boiling it or grilling it. So, one would think corn would be sweeter when cooked, but Amamiya told us that is not the case.

”If you boil it, the sugar content will dissolve into the boiling water. So it will be less sweet. If you want to eat it warm, you can just heat it with a microwave for about 3 minutes with the thin skin on. If it is a freshly picked corn, eating it raw is the best. The sugar content is the highest.”

The kind he grows is called ”Pure White”, which is grown mainly in Hokkaido, but it is suited to this land, where there is a great temperature difference.

The secret of ”whiteness” lies in the size of the field and meticulous care.

Nakata was impressed by the whiteness of Pure White. He was told that it takes a great effort to grow them so white. ”Every corn in the field must be Pure White. If there is a different kind of corn nearby, the pollen will drift to our field and there will be some yellow corn. So, it is really difficult to grow them really white.”

The average sugar content is 17, so it is nearly as sweet as melons.

Pure White is made in a spacious field with meticulous care. You will be surprised by the sweetness and the soft texture.


Yasaibatake -- Amamiya Farm
Yamanashi, Yamanashi Prefecture