Japanese Art Acknowledged Overseas, ” Bamboo Craft Artist, Noboru Fujinuma”


Bamboo Craft as Art Work

Noboru Fujinuma’s works belong in the collection of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. He is highly acclaimed in Japan being awarded the Japan Master of Traditional Crafts Society Exhibition Prize and Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon, but he may be more renown overseas.
About 15 years ago, an agent from the United Sates was moved by Fujinuma’s works and wanted to exhibit them. Since 2001, his works are exhibited in EXPO CHICAGO every year which is literary a gathering place for “art”. Paintings by Modigliani has been exhibited in the same art show. It is an art show with approximately 160 exhibitors where works can be purchased. Fujinuma’s works gained appraisal at the show.

Works with Tension

Fujinuma’s works which are recognized as art, is strong and full of impact. This impact is brought out by tension. And being “close to the bamboo” is the source of the tension according to Fujinuma .This impact is brought out by tension. And being “close to the bamboo” is the source of the tension.
”I would rather create shapes utilizing bamboo rather than my will. It’s not appropriate to create form forcefully. For example, bamboo from the Meiji era is different from that of today, therefor if one tries forcefully to create a work like the as ones from the Meiji era, the bamboo may break. You have to create works that are in line with today’s bamboo.”
“For example.”, said Fujinuma as he took out a vase designed by using a node on a piece of bamboo. It cannot be used as a basket, but by utilizing the node, a design with tension is accomplished.

Being a Japanese Artist

When asked what Fujimuma keeps in mind as an artist, he answered “Being Japanese.”
“I aim to persistently appeal myself as Japanese to the world. That can only be done with culture. Technology can be the same in most places, but culture I think is unique to each country. In that sense, I’d be happy if I succeed in appealing the country of Japan to the world.”
Fujinuma is already highly acclaimed having many works included in American museums, never the less his aspirations remain much higher.
“I want to achieve something that the following generation cannot easily transcend. Then, newcomers to this world would not lose interest. A small obstacle will be too easy to go above, it wouldn’t be exiting. That is why I still want to try many things.”
Fujinuma says he felt the same way himself. When he worked as a photographer, he often shot craftsmen and thought “I can do this” and entered this world, but he has not left since there are yet obstacles to overcome.


Bamboo Craft Artist Noboru Fujinuma
Ohtawara, Tochigi