A Park where art and nature are arranged methodically
Moerenuma Park located in Sapporo city is a park designed by the world renowned architect Isamu Noguchi. Moere Mountain and Pay Mountain is strategically placed around the glass pyramid, ”HIDAMARI” along with 126 playground equipment designed by Isamu Noguchi. The concept of the park is, ”for all the different pieces to come together in one overall sculpture.”The 3 facilities are located at the center of the park in a triangle, and the height of each facility is aligned so there is harmony with the view. Nakata is a big fan of Isamu Noguchi, and he spent a long time walking around the gallery and the garden filled with the beauty of nature and art in harmony.

The final piece of art to fulfill the artist’s wishes
“It was a coincidence that Isamu Noguchi who at that time was involved with several landscape design projects which were beyond the framework of sculpture, got to work on a park in Sapporo. Through a friend, he heard that ”Sapporo has a large piece of land” where the city was planning an afforestation project. He visited Japan within 3 months after this news. He was 83 years old at the time, passing away just a few months after completing the blueprints. After his death, his ideas were put into realization with construction following his wishes ”in the same scale and layout”. Normally, it should have been completed in 10 years. However it took 17 years to complete due to the unusual methods that were necessary. ”Moerenuma Park” is the last piece and a culmination of the work by Isamu Noguchi.”