Basket bag with warm atmosphere.
In contrast to the Tsugaru nuri which was born by decree from the lord, there is also a form of ”kogei” that was born from the common people as a daily necessity. This is Akebi vine craft. The majority of Akebi vine craft items are closely related to our daily life, and include handbags, baskets and vases. The rustic color and texture of the vine that is used draws out a warm atmosphere. So you can leave a bag that isn’t being used as part of your interior, and it will add a soft ambience to the room. During our visit, we spoke with Etsu Shibuya, an active traditional artisan.

An extra touch to make it a little easier to use
Shibuya uses the Akebi vine for her work. ”I only use materials from Mount Iwaki and Mount Hakkoda which are both visible from Hirosaki.” shibuya told us. The vines are dried for about a year. The thickness of the vine varies, so the process starts from making the vines usable for her work. Sometimes, she will split the vines in half. This makes the vines lighter, as well as visually more fashionable. Nakata picked up a piece and was surprised by its softness.

Vine craft that grows with you.
In the shop, there were bags and baskets with various patterns. There was a variety of work with different expressions such as wickerwork, or ridge stitch which looks like the ridges of a rice field. Following a tour of the shop, we observed her weaving. The process involved a lot of physical effort, and was not what we think of as ”weaving”. It requires a lot of time and physical effort to make the items.
With Akebi vine craft, the character of the pieces is drawn out over time. The vines become a dark amber color with use. It also brings a tenderness. If you treat the pieces with care, they can last several decades, she told us. By then, the bag will most likely reflect your personal color.