”Alcoholic Beverages Research Institute” Carrying Japanese Breweries on its Shoulders

”Alcoholic Beverages Research Institute”
Carrying Japanese Breweries on its Shoulders

Research Institute that Advocates Sake Making

The Alcoholic Beverages Research Institute is the sole national research institute related to ”sake”. They have an office in the red brick Sake Brewery plant in Tokyo but the office in Hiroshima is their head office. Their main responsibilities involve holding national ”sake” exhibitions, analyzing, evaluating, research, and conducting surveys regarding ”sake”. For sake-related companies, they conduct brewing lectures, seminars and annual conferences to announce research results. They are the backbone for Japanese ”sake” breweries. For the general public, they hold ”National Sake-tasting Championships” and ”Sake Learning Seminars” (in Tokyo Office). If you are a sake-lover, you will be intrigued at the content of their seminars, such as learning about the scientific explanation for the fragrance and taste of refined ”sake”. Both the Hiroshima and Tokyo offices offer tours of their facilities. Make your reservations and learn more about ”sake”. (Please inquire about date and numbers of people for tour bookings in advance.)


Independent Administrative Agency Alcoholic Beverages Research Institute
3-7-1 Kagamiyama Hiroshima-shi Hiroshima
URL https://www.nrib.go.jp/English/index.htm